Kids Ministry Volunteer Application
You have said "YES" to investing in the next generation! Thank you!
You will also be sent a background check form that we must keep on file.
After reviewing your application and contacting your references, the coordinator will reach out to schedule a meeting.
This address will receive a confirmation email
Why do you desire to serve with the kids ministry of West Lynchburg?
Have you had experience serving in church ministries before? If so, share how ere served.
Share your testimony. How did you come to faith and How have you seen God work in your life?
Check which age ranges you would like to serve with.
Please select all that apply.
Grades 1-3
Grades 4-6
Who are 3 references (not related to you) that we could contact to get to know you better? Provide the following: Name, How you know them, Years known, Contact info
Is there anything that you know of that could cause alarm from your past that we should know about before proceeding?
Please select one option.
If you answered Yes to the previous question. Please explain.
You have said "YES" to investing in the next generation! Thank you!
You will also be sent a background check form that we must keep on file.
After reviewing your application and contacting your references, the coordinator will reach out to schedule a meeting.
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